Thursday, May 12, 2016


A little boy, sat in his home,flying his toy car high....screaming and shouting "Vroooooooooooom....." with joy and excitement.

  The little kid was Azeer Abdulkalam from Kerala,India.The speeding wheels and the racing tracks were always his biggest passion.

Azeer is a Person with severe Hemophilia A, a condition which results in very low levels of the blood protein ,Factor VIII or Anti Hemophilic Factor , needed for the normal clotting of blood.  Hence, every single person told him, " Racing is a big NO, NO for you!"

But,Azeer firmly believes that a Person with Hemophilia can do absolutely anything a normal, healthy person can. Like most of the hemophiliacs of developing countries, Azeer too have permanent deformities in his joints due to repeated bleeds .He cannot flex his left knee  fully.But,this did not stop him. He believes in living the life to fullest and suggests not  to live in constant fear of bleeds or mishaps.It is this belief, strong will and determination, and the never ending passion for the sport that brought him so close to his life's dream.

However, chasing his dream was not at all an easy task. Because of the medical condition, and also the financial state of his family,this youngster had to bury his dreams.

He  comes from a humble background, and used to do part-time  jobs since his early years to help meet the needs of the family.At present,he is a sales personnel at a pre-owned cars showroom.He is the bread winner of the family  which include his ailing parents, sister ,wife and his little girl who is just a year old.His father suffers from renal failure and is on dialysis thrice a week.

True passion and talent will not go unnoticed.So happened with this youngster too.Diljith, a Formula 0ne racer and a National Champion from Thrissur,Kerala,happened to meet Azeer. Diljith had started a Racing Academy and was planning to build a good team for the National Championship,and he invited Azeer to be a part of it.

To be in the team,he had to pass the selection process and undergo training.He easily got through the selection process and also the first phase of training ,  "Basic" ,in the very first attempt.

To participate in the Championship,Azeer has to successfully complete the remaining 2 phases: Advanced and Pro.However,racing is a very expensive sport ,and the training and works on the car needs a lot of money.The Advanced session will need around Rupees 30,000 ($450) and a Junior Championship will need around Rupees 8,00,000 ($12,000).
Azeer is very confident that,if he completes the training and continue further,he will  win the Championship.

The race for Advanced phase is scheduled to be on the 22nd of May ,2016,which happens to be  his 26th  birthday.He adds that ,this birthday would be the most painful one in his life,if he cannot participate in the Advanced session due to any reason.

Azeer is a gifted racer, says his trainer.He has immense potential and unmatched passion for the sport. He has shown excellent performance in the races so far and if trained well, can emerge as a National Champion. 

  Little drops of water makes the gigantic ocean. We are pretty sure that this rising star will get all the deserved support and encouragement from the society for all his endeavors. 

We wish all luck to Azeer Abdulkalam!! 

You may communicate with him by email:

----Hemant Naidu Pulijala , Dr.Anupama Pattiyeri
     &Team RedLegacy !


  1. Intresting. I will help you as we can. Hope you can participate in avanced session.

  2. Please can you advise me on how being a hemophiliac I can prepare for ias.

    Karanveer Singh
